Monday, July 16, 2007

Where are the big girls?

Mom let me out at 7 to do my business and only Neighbor Dog was there to greet us. Actually, it was a bit of a relief.

We went out a bit later - and NO ONE was there. What's going on?

Mom walked up to the van front passenger's window - and there was Ellie, all curled up on Gracie's towel. Maddie was nowhere to be seen. A tap on the window woke Ellie up - and here comes Mad - from the driver's floorboard! They COULDN'T have been comfortable sleeping there last night - both were all scrunched up in small spaces.

We walked the yard and fed the horses and Mad flung herself down for a back scratch. It was then that Mom noticed - no collar. We circled the house (mom was waiting to see if the labs could pick up the injured hawk's scent this morning) and back to the starting point.

A quick check in the car - yep, the collar was caught on the brake pedal.

Labs circling excitedly at the open back van door - hoping to return to the mtns. But, mom made Mad jump out, closed the door and another week at the farm begins.

1 comment:

D said...

That's a little space for such a big lab!